
Site Design for a Ground Source Heat Pump 

My indirect pond loop ground source heat pump has yet to join my eco - adventure at my old house.  
It will save money.  The simple payback is less than 15 yrs, which is good for a GSHP retrofit. 
I just don't have the capital, nor a good enough job to get a loan. 
For the lastest design concepts see the GSHP Overview Click Here 
On this page are some initial design concepts, goals and research.

Site Design

Current installation standards for ground loops are not economical:

-- Trenching is becoming less frequently used in favor of entire fields of coils.

-- Stripping 3000 sf to 6 ft for takes HUGE and expensive equip. to do economically. 
-- Drilling wells is NOT cheap as steel casing at $20 a foot is often required
ALL areas are starting to require this prevent any chance the food - grade glycol in the ground loop escapes (Well drilling method used to mean drilling a dry hole, inserting ground loop tubing and grouting with concrete) (Is steel piping over doing it? Perhaps).  
Economical installation can only require a back hoe and two workers, and no OSHA / EPA (silt runoff) issues.  You also need as much work to be DIY as possible, to allow middle income to boot strap their way to energy efficency.  Installations also need to be via KITS that any good GC can install, and I see that happening in a very, very small way.


So this is my plan for installing the ground loop tubing to and from the pond, and if the pond fails, to bury two runs of 1 1/2 inch tubing in a narrow 6 foot deep trench, a foot or 18 inches apart, a bit every day.  Any local GC with a backhoe that can go 6 feet down can dig, lay, and backfill in one day increments with no worker ever in the trench.  As this is incremental, GC's can do between jobs, meaning lowest cost possible.

Why I am a beliver in Ground Source Heat Pumps


1.  Ground source heat pumps are THE most efficent electric heat source. 

2.  Electricity is the ONLY source of energy we can produce that is renewable and is carbon reducing. 

3.  1/2 the source energy for a GSHP comes from renewable sources.  Drilling wells will have your GSHP tapping convective energy coming out (or up) from from radioactive decay in the earth's core.  A buried ground loop will tap into solar energy soaking down through the soil.


Renewable electricity from wind farms is now competitive (Costs remain higher due to bias given to fossil fuels which enjoy less Enviornment Impact Protests, easier siting, and a rule in utiltiy rate calcs skewed to force wind and solar to show much shorter paybacks than coal fired elec. gens., and of course, totally ignoring the savings on grid costs of distributed wind and solar, along with the carbon reduction - which global warming or not, translates into less cancer, fewer dead lakes from acid rain, etc. down wind of the generator) that makes it necessary to subsidize it yet - it's handicapped, and, it's the LAW!.  Solar thermal is there already.  Tidal is coming along.  Energy storage is feasible if we realize the enviornmental and economic impact of pumped storage projects is less than coal fired power plants. 


Renewable energy I'm not waiting for:


Bio-Fuels, so far, usurp our food supply and encourage the farming of more and more fallow or wild lands.  Bio - fuels in the US have been usurped by big agri - business to bloat their profits.  The US gov't even banned the import of lower cost, more environmentally responsible bio - fuels from overseas to protect the profits agri - business are reaping.  Brazil and Europe mandate bio - fuel does not eat into or increase the costs of our food supplies.  How?  They use unfarmed marsh land for sugar cane, marginal farm land for rapeseed and similar oil seeds - that produce far more bio - oil per acre than the US choice, soybeans.  


Gene - cultured algae scares me nearly as much as oil. Imagine what happens WHEN, not if, hyper growth enabled algae gets loose in our water ways.  Don't even think about algae cultured to produce hydrocarbons directly, yet I fear, someone is...  actually making them.